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right pipe gets hotter


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so the right pipe on my banshee gets hotter then the left one. not much hotter but just enough to tell that it's definitely a little hotter. the quad has a fresh rebuild with only a few hours on the top end and the carb slides move up and down evenly. they both smoke about evenly but I think the left side might actually smoke a little more. my plugs look to be burning evenly also. could it be the right side is getting a little less fuel? also when I was putting the bike back together I saw that the vf4 reeds it had on it on one of then was completely closed and tbe other had a very small gap between the pedals I'm sure that can be the issue too? I don't remember what side had the open pedals though. the bike idles well and runs strongs. starts 1st or 2nd kick cold every time. thanks for any replies27496ffd7accee6c34dc999ff4e1c2d3.jpg

that's how the plugs look. right plug is right cylinder left is from left cylinder


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Try checking your reeds too.  were they chipped or any pedals missing? I had this happen recently. there were some other symptoms that I had as well that pointed to the reeds but what you are experiencing was one of them. Just a thought

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well everything is together right now and I don't have pictures of the reeds but I held them both up to a light and 1 didn't let any light through at all and the other one did so I'm assuming that one needs replacing. would worn reeds cause this issue?


Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk

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