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A-Arms Friggin A-Arms, Questions On Selection?

Big Mike NY

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Oh yeah cause when I said travel I really was meaning to type shock. Also by .6 I was meaning 17-19.5. Sooo as I was saying that extra length in the shock is a must have for someone who never jumps.......

I don't jump my flat track bike at all. However, I still have a long travel on the front end. The reason is when you come out of the turn and hammer the throttle, the front and starts to lift. With long travel the wheels droop and keep contact with the surface. This means you're free to stay wide open on the throttle, yet still point the bike and it goes where you want. I always advocate buying the best you can afford. In the end, these things are big kid toys. Nobody NEEDS any of the wild shit we buy for these things, but we want to.
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