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Hey guys I went out riding today, ended up smashing a ditch in 4th and breaking my clutch lever clean off, when I got it running again it sounded fine then it started sounding like there was a fire cracker in my right cylinder and exhaust, not like it was back firing but it was just not firing then BOOM like a fire cracker, very noticiable over the other piston firing, did I blow my top end or did the impact of the ditch hop my float in the carb???

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Went trail riding yesterday, came around a corner in 4th and ended up going through a drainage ditch in the middle of the trail, snapped the clutch lever off the bars and ended up stalling the quad, I pulled the clutch cable by hand got it into neutral and started the quad, left cylinder was firing just fine but you could tell the right cylinder wasn't firing properly just by looking at the exhaust coming from the silencer on the left vs the right, so I checked my spark plug wires to make sure they didn't hop off on impact by chance, nothing so I started riding and it back fired like a fire cracker on the right cylinder several times and wouldn't fire properly finally I limped it home and when I got to the yard I noticed it wasn't back firing anymore and I believe both cylinders were firing again, I really didn't wanna keep it running any longer to find out and possibly cause more damage so I parked it and asked around for a compression tester, so today after work im going to toss the compression tester on it to see if I threw a ring. A buddy of mine suggested that I fouled a plug so the fuel would just build build build in the cylinder and then fire at once causing the louder noise but I have a nack for never getting off that easy when my toys break

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