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Hitting Pot Holes And Ditches Will It Hurt My Shee

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Hrm. I feel like a pervert.. all i ever do is read posts.. never post anything unless i can't find it on the forums.. GOD I FEEL LIKE SUCH A SEARCH ABUSING WHORE!


<3 AbsoLut

Like a good neighbor statefarm is there.



BTW, you think hittin' ninjas sister's pothole hurt my penis... or would you guys say it's been "properly broken in" with over 500 hours use?

Nothin like takin your ATV off road and dabblin in some mudholes.. if you know what i mean :D


(and ninja if you ask what the f*ck that means.. means i plugged your sisters poopshoot.. Just to clarify it for the dumbass :))

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