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Diesel Pickup Thread


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You ever think, that maybe their isn't something similar, maybe that is why they use it still. But planes are not the same as personal vehicles, majorly different. You don't get a new version of plane every few years.

Back tracking like a mofo, you really have no clue, these are not waters you should tread on. Yea oh im sure...it has nothing to do with the fact that they are proven i guess huh? Yea they are different, but still piles of steel that go suck bang blow and commute from point A to point B.

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Shouldn't that be a c130 instead. I mean older is better than new.

Oh believe me they are still out there every day doing work, they are not on this base anymore besides when dropping med troops for training. Hey that particular 17 is an older model too should get it replaced.

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Not back tracking. If there is nothing there to take the place, why get rid of it.


According to you, we should never buy new. Your logic would be mean nothing new would be built because the old is go great. Your logic, we would never have new technology. 

Shit, the old nokia phone made great calls and never broke. Do you still have one?

There you go being an extremist and exaggerating just to try and sound right when you know you are wrong. There are always fine lines and limitations.

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Extreme? You are the one that said new things are built like shit and rather have a 15+ year old vehicle. Not because you are a broke dick, but because you like it more. When I said I like having nice comfort feature, you called me a princess.


I am a princess because I rather sit in a nice seat for 2hrs a day while driving than on a bench. I am a princess because I rather have my hands and ass warm than cold. I am a princess because I rather have my life easier and nicer than hard. Smart people work smart, dumb people work hard.

Like i said extremist. I said earlier on if you really wanted to allot that much money towards newer shit that is mostly junk because you just dont feel like fucking with it then that is your choice have at it.


Old cars cant have nice seats apparently to you lmao. hell even 90s grand cherokees have some of the most comfortable leather seats.

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Now I know you are fucking stupid. 90s grand cherokees did not have comfortable seats.

My brother had a 96 grand cherokee, had cloth then he put leather in it. They were not comfy.


this is not comfy


Maybe not comfy to a princess. I was referring to zj seats not wj, wj seats arent as comfortable usually.

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