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Diesel Pickup Thread


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You are 27. You haven't been doing this for years.

Oh no? 27 doesn't have any years in it? Pretty sure 27 years is 27 years. Meaning i could have been doing this 10 years or more? Ya never know.My bad yea you are right I'm just lying with countless vehicles I have owned, traded, flipped and worked on.


Hey not everyone wants to deal with used vehicles I understand that and you have to decide for yourself where you want to put your money, knowledge on the subject is a huge beneficial to dealing with them.

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10 years is nothing. I started helping my dad work on cars when I was 12. That is 17 years ago. Still nothing. My dad has been working on cars since he was 15. He turns 60 this years.

Everything you have said is bullshit. When you buy a used car that has 100k+ you never know what you are getting. You can run all your test you can, which I doubt you have ever done, and you still are rolling the dice with a used car.


People with money that value their time will buy newer vehicles. Broke dicks that don't value their time buy used and waste their time working on their used vehicle.


ive been around it my entire life, father has been a diesel mechanic his entire life. Still nothing huh? every used vehicle you encounter just explodes instantly with you does it?


Yea you are right i have never done any tests...lmfao. You act like its hard to determine if a vehicle is in good shape or not, you cant look at metal and see if its rusted? you cant look at a fucking bushing? compression tests, leakdown blowby tests? that shit just doesnt tell you anything huh? its still a complete chance? Some small things are a chance but often those chances are still cheap with older vehicles even worst case scenario. My trans blows in my 92 civic somehow guess what 150 for new trans rebuild kit. 600 for a new one from syncrotech. Damn that is big money...you have no fucking clue haha.

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So please explain to me, how you can tell the trans on the last truck i had was bad. It didn't slip and it only limped when it was under a heavy load. I limped that trans several times, i doubt it was going to make it another 1000 miles before completely fucking itself. Right there is 5k to have it built...That truck ran good and sounded good but let me tell you, it was 3/4 vortexed! Some dumb ass like you probably bought it for 25k too. Theres no way a dealership is going to let you run all of these tests on it for 2 days and let you parade it around town with a heavy trailer on the back just to run it through the ringer. There is always risk, i hope you come across one of my used vehicles because every one that ive gotten rid of was completely fucked!

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Everything you mentioned you can test, alternator and starter you can test windings and load test and so on, even though both are easy to replace and cheap...only select vehicles are hard to comp or leakdown test or blowby usually only newer vehicles. i also wouldnt be buying a used vehicle from a dealer regardless. On top of that there are certain older vehicles i wont buy, certain vehicles under certain years, almost all automatics i wont touch.


Lol its ok guys keep buying new shit over and over just for 100k mile warranty that makes sense. So after 100k which isnt shit what do you all do? id love to hear it. If you tards have had bad experiences with old vehicles its because you didnt know what you were buying and you didnt realize which years and whatnot were known with certain problems.


Im all wrong though you all are right, awesome idea im just gonna buy some new vehicle every 100k made from these high quality outsourced parts scattered all over the world. Lovely shit quality metal and crappy factory coating under brand new vehicles, trucks only few years already rusted out and shit.

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You just graduate from tech school? You're name dropping like you know it all.

When I sold my cars, test drive, inspect what ever, gtfo. If someone wants to do what you're saying I'd tell them to get lost.

I don't get paid to work on my stuff. If my car is down for the day because my starter decided to shit the bed I don't get paid. So if it's a job I need to take a few days, what then. Say fuck it and lose 3 days pay? You're a fucking idiot.

I call the dealer, tell them there shit broke, come pick it up with a loaner car for me to use.

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i dont run all those tests it depends on the price and what im buying. Might only look over a few things if i already know what i have checked makes it worth it regardless.i usually dont give a fuck if a 9 dollar bushing is bad or a 50 dollar starter, prior to buying something i already know what parts cost for it...i usually only check major things enough to know if its worth it. Alot of the late 80s 90s yotas and civics were unstoppable, certain year rangers, vws, alot of the jeep 4.0s, 2.5s 4.2s, fords 300, some 7.3s list goes on and on.


Man you have me so convinced that testing shit is worthless and doesnt determine anything i think my next banshee im gonna say fuck a leak down since it wont do any good itll just do what it wants anyways right?


All these vehicles i have owned i just get lucky i guess. Every sensor on alot of the older vehicles is cheap as hell older civics only run not even 200 bucks to do a complete brake job new everything from good name brands, most of the parts on older vehicles that do cost a little bit are parts that are very rare to break in the first place.

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You just graduate from tech school? You're name dropping like you know it all.

When I sold my cars, test drive, inspect what ever, gtfo. If someone wants to do what you're saying I'd tell them to get lost.

I don't get paid to work on my stuff. If my car is down for the day because my starter decided to shit the bed I don't get paid. So if it's a job I need to take a few days, what then. Say fuck it and lose 3 days pay? You're a fucking idiot.

I call the dealer, tell them there shit broke, come pick it up with a loaner car for me to 

i guess ive just got so damn lucky. Some people have multiple cars and these things called work vehicles.

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