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Diesel Pickup Thread


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Oh fuck I have one of the affected TDI passats.  Thing is a fucking turd sandwich.  As soon as warranty is gone its gone.  Its had over 10k in warranty work.. Problem is now resale is shit because they havent actually fixed the emmissions problem.  My guess is that either power, mileage or both is going to plummet to make it compliant.  Most likely i will just have to trade it in and take the dry ass fucking that comes with it

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Yep im a pharmacist, it doesnt change the fact the i have been a gear head all my life. I worked my way through school building motors and transmissions and general mechanics. What is your point?



I will respond and make my point in the morning.


I will keep it short.

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Green, here's what you do..


1. Buy new truck. Put down a couple thousand.

2. Sell old truck. Put down money on new truck.

3. Overpay monthly amount to drastically reduce note.

4. Look baller in brand new whip.


I have a 2015 truck. Free oil changes, warranty.

I leased it. But I go back in 3 years for the 2018 and continue on with it until I decide just to buy it out.

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Oh i cant wait im sure it will be some ad hominem attack because i chose to use my intellect to earn a living.

Ha! Lol


No, I am not going to turn this debate into a personal attack on your character or on what you do to earn a living.


My point was this: You know as well as I do then that there is a reason they say physicians are "Practicing Medicine"


Even some of the most highly educated people in our society, doctors, don't have all the answers every time and they even make mistakes. They are learning new ways everyday.


The same reality holds true for the big three truck manufacturers. Constantly learning and improving based upon finding out what does and does not work.

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Ha! Lol


No, I am not going to turn this debate into a personal attack on your character or on what you do to earn a living.


My point was this: You know as well as I do then that there is a reason they say physicians are "Practicing Medicine"


Even some of the most highly educated people in our society, doctors, don't have all the answers every time and they even make mistakes. They are learning new ways everyday.


The same reality holds true for the big three truck manufacturers. Constantly learning and improving based upon finding out what does and does not work.

And both are driven by 1 thing...money.
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