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Whats Going On Here ?


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I like BigBoyBanshee's idea.

Thank You! It could be simple yet effective...OR, we could just make the site a "pay site" for like $3 a month and that alone would weed out a lot of BS posters. I don't know about the rest of you guys but I'd pay $3 a month to have access to a quality banshee forum....well worth it to me for the knowledge/friendships I gain! Just another thought of mine...

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I guess you could define "newbie" as someone with 75 posts or less.


Hey i am still a noob and I got 300 ;)


Thank You! It could be simple yet effective...OR, we could just make the site a "pay site" for like $3 a month and that alone would weed out a lot of BS posters. I don't know about the rest of you guys but I'd pay $3 a month to have access to a quality banshee forum....well worth it to me for the knowledge/friendships I gain! Just another thought of mine...


I like that idea but i think it would discourge all the not so obsessed members

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To tell the truth, there's not much that can be done except warn someone about excessive questions in the general section. I'll admit, I get tired of seeing the same questions worded different from the same person, but deleting them won't do any good. Now if it was a question such as the thread asking how to keep the quad from tipping, and it was in the images, then I would see moving it to general as a solution. General is for the genuine bs'ing (questions that don't relate to any other topic), and the Roosting room is for the more serious BS'ing (who's stupid, who's not,.... who talks the talk, but can't walk the walk, etc...). If there's a stupid question in the general section, or any other section.... don't read it.... no one's forcing anyone to read every single thread or post.

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RRRRRRRRRRRRRR the start of another exriders nonsense forum has started. With all this talk of ban this ban him/her.Man I miss the old forum if i click my shoes together twice please bring me back home !!!!! I dont understand where all these idoits came from not to bang on HQ but , over on planetsand there is bearly ever any pointless posts or idiots talking shit. maybe we should make it so your ip address is shown in your profile like planetsand might make a newbe idoit think twice <_<

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maybe we should make it so your ip address is shown in your profile like planetsand might make a newbe idoit think twice  <_<

That's an idea there. Some people might freak out though seeing their IP address on a public forum. I wouldn't mind, IP addresses are easy enough to get anyway.


bigboybanshee.... I understand what you're saying completely.... I was rushing myself when I posted that. The point I was attempting to make was that what one person finds annoying, someone else finds interesting... there's no way to either leave a post alone, or delete it without offending a lot of people. I just see it as it's in the correct section, so why remove it if it's not harming anyone other than the people who feel it necessary to make a snappy remark. ;)

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i agree we dont have to read the stupid posts, but now if i do a search on reeds ill have to thumb through, "whats a reed" "wheres the reed go" "bansheegirl reeds to me at night" and so on.....and i understand you dont want to just start canning members posts, but i think by not doing anything the HQ is open up to be a hangout for kiddies to play, just what we are seeing now, little girls haveing the ten morons chasing her sign up and such shit, almost like an aol chat room entilted "Banshee Room"

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Screamin, I definitely understand your position 100%...I know what you mean by having trouble determining which posts should be canned or for that matter people getting banned. Whoa, that rhymed... :D It would be impossible to please everyone based on one person's opinion (like you said, what one person thinks is useless another may find interesting) I have faith in you guys taking care of business B) and I be sorry if my last post might have been abrupt...I'm sure this mess will be resolved soon. Travis

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Lol, wasn't abrupt at all Big.


I wouldn't mind doing like an advanced member thing like mentioned before. I know I wouldn't mind paying a little bit to have access to all the knowledge here, but that destroys what the site was made for... free exchange of information on banshees. I think what should be done is one a problem causer is notified that they're on the road to being banned, they should have to make a donation to the HQ before being allowed back. That way the HQ gets something out of it, and the free information is still here.

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i think as long as the same exact topic wasnt covered....you should be able to ask a question...im one of those guys that dont know shit bout atvs....but i try to be couteous and respectful and is motivated to learn.....but would my posts get deleted cuz i ask simple questions that a more seasoned member wouldnt if we started some new policies?


any new policy on newbies would anger at least someone....but dont forget, the newbies will become the ones that are posting intelligent responses soon.......of course there are some really stupid questions...but its so hard to decide whats stupid, and whats not

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the main complaint by most is the same topic worded different, made by the same person... or commone sense stuff, such as how to keep the quad from tipping over. Just because there's complaints about one person's multiple postings doesn't mean all questions will be treated the same. Just don't let that thought stop you from asking a question, you'll be fine. ;)

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i think as long as the same exact topic wasnt covered....you should be able to ask a question...im one of those guys that dont know shit bout atvs....but i try to be couteous and respectful and is motivated to learn.....but would my posts get deleted cuz i ask simple questions that a more seasoned member wouldnt if we started some new policies?


any new policy on newbies would anger at least someone....but dont forget, the newbies will become the ones that are posting intelligent responses soon.......of course there are some really stupid questions...but its so hard to decide whats stupid, and whats not

ill type for an hour to answer one of your silly questions because you seem to have some maturity to your post's...........

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Keep in mind this whole post is just mainly about a handfull people (to be kept confidential).... I don't have 1 singal problem w/ newbies.... hell I just joined here last april. I had experience on atv connection for 2 years prior to that though so I new somewhat how to work this forum. The only thing that quirks me is when people are warned, asked, told, helped, etc.. on how to use the search and to fix there problem and they IGNORE IT. That makes my skin crawl, when someone goes out of there way to help the newbie and they just ignore it and post the SAME question in a different category :angry: . I don't mind someone slipping up and posting something in the wrong category or posting when the question was asked not 3-4 days prior. As long as it's not a REPEATED thing..... that's when it becomes a blatant sign of ingnorancy or just plain disobedience. Everyone makes mistakes... shit happens, that's how you learn. There's a few that just don't seem to be learning.


PHEW... I feel better now.




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There may be some instances of someone coming in that knows absolutely nothing about anything, and that is fine, but it is obvious when someone is being a dumbass. There have been a few in the last years that didn't know much, but they asked me/others, I/we helped them, and they progressed. It was obvious they were serious about learning, and not just posting crap for the sake of something to do.


Maybe it just comes down to the REPORT button as a way to "vote". We as moderators can collect the "votes" and nicely (as hard as that may be sometimes) warn the person in "violation". If it continues much more, then ask Lee to take aggressive actions, whether its a temporary banishment to let them think about things, or permenant, and let them go play at TeamDunesATV for a while.

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