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Alba case saver

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This is true, if you wanna spend like $150 bucks and dont already own an Alba one, i wont argue with ya, but dude asked how big of a sproket will fit an Alba one. NOT opinions on other options.

The point is you can go broke trying to save money.... The Cbr case saver is far more superior in protection. If you throw a chain the alba one is only going to do so much, if any. That's why you research before buying something and it's worth it to spend 5x the cost for that much more protection. Yes the op did ask how big of a sprocket will fit the abla. IMO I would sell that one and put the money towards a Cbr one. I was giving the op good advise if you ask me. But he can run a alba all he wants and no I don't know the answer about that case saver or care



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