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need help, run in with highway patrol and my bike is gone

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Regardless, this is just another case of over zealous cop over doing his job. All this was Un needed and the fact that he got it back proves that. In the end, I'm glad op's bike is back home. But everybody would be singing a different tune if that thing got crushed.


Another note, someone asked "what if that was your bike and some cop stopped the guy with it?" Well according to that law it wouldn't really matter because I it was stolen the number would definitely been ground entirely and you wouldn't be getting it back either. So even if the cops find it and the number is gone your shit still gets crushed. In the end you are almost better out west hoping the thief keeps rolling around on your stuff so that you can be the one to spot it before the cops come to the rescue and smush it in to a nice little cube.



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You obviously think he was a dick head for doing his job. But if he recovered your stolen quad I'm sure you would feel differently.

There are tons of quads and bikes stolen all over the country...I personally know several people who have had their shit stolen, guess how many ever seen them again? None...I would take measures into my own hands and hopefully find my own bike before they did. I'll bet they would wish the cops would have found it first.
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There are tons of quads and bikes stolen all over the country...I personally know several people who have had their shit stolen, guess how many ever seen them again? None...I would take measures into my own hands and hopefully find my own bike before they did. I'll bet they would wish the cops would have found it first.

Sorry they didn't get them back but this is one way that some do.
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i probably have one of em....... i got 2 frames with vins ground off.....im positive theyre hotter than a whore on dollar day BUT with no vin hows anyone gunna prove it? i got thousands of acres of farm ground, i dont need paperwork lol.


theyve since been parted out but i kept the frames incase someone needed ta build a drag bike but givin the current issue i might as well cut them up for scrap lol

I'd keep them...I painted my frame Idk if the Vin is visible or not, I don't really care. I have the title it's not in my name, but I have it. Here's the thing...if it's mine and I know it is I don't really care, I don't suggest anyone trying to take it from me weather they have a badge or not.
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