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hi guys, this is my first post but i have been following this site since i got banshee this december, i have been pulling my hair out these last few days and i was hopeing someone might have some insight into what the problem might be before i spend more money guessing, i found when i am trying to sync my carbs no mater what i do i cant get them in sync with each other on the tool i got from fast. my problem carb is the left one ( choke side ) , its seem be sluggish and doesnt wanna pull air when i hit the throttle and even when i follow the gauge and put the left carb way to tight it will pull weak then all of a sudden pull hard then weak again, i recently rebuilt my top end, compression and leak down tests where good, i have rebuilt both carbs, replaced stock reeds with v force thinking my reeds where warn out, my carb boot look good and everything is tight ! my jetting is 27.5 pilots, needle 4th clip from blunt end, 320 mains ( a bit rich im sure but its been cold here in Canada ) and im at sea level, i also notice me fuel air screw doesnt seem to effect much and then when trying to sync and i rev the motor to get a reading it seem to take a while to rev back down to idle like its lean but i dont see how thats possible. this is my first banshee but i have played around with and worked on sleds and bikes all my life so i am familiar with 2 strokes. any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance 

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