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Check these pictures of ported cylinders

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Aside from two guys in this thread, none of you have a fucking clue how to build/port/set up a motor but you can tell by pics if it's good or not? Haha. Right.

Just so it's clear, the consensus from both of said individuals, is that this thing is barely a clean up with a touch of exhaust work.... The casting texture is still visible in the transfers.... No way that is a "Drag Port" look at other photos of HJR's stuff that is "Drag Ported".



To people saying not to flame a builder.... In his original post, there is no name mentioned. Some one asked and then it was mentioned. It's a sticky situation, because if you feel something isn't right, you need to confirm your suspicions before even calling a builder to tell them something is not quite right. How do you do that? By asking others more knowledgable. That's the intent of the post. As mentioned by two people who are pretty well versed in that department, that is not quite what it was supposed to be.


On another note. This is not the first HJR slip. Just because someone pays to be a sponsor doesn't mean that they don't need be held accountable just because the work wasn't for one of the fellas in the IN CROWD. Anyone remember how the Passion train detailed.......

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There's not a lot of power to by found out of a 421 Cub with porting. You can probablly get more peak hp out of one, but it won't necessarily be faster at the track unless you have a super light rider/chassis. I dynoed one of my 421s and got 100 hp with a cleanup port with little tuning. Lots of tuning and with it drag ported (port timings probably not changed) and got 103 hp. Maybe could have got the 103 hp on the cleanup port with more tuning, but I was satisfied with it. The guy who ported it said it would take waaaaaaaayyyyyyy too much time/work to get the max hp out if it. I wanted it reliable, and lasting as well.It may have 5 hp left on the table, but it's not cost/time efficient, and would lose some reliability. You know the saying - the first 80% takes 20% of the time, the last 20% takes 80% of the time. JMO.

relevant post^


so list the setup youre putting together, comp, gas, pipes, carbs, timing, swingarm length...

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And I did call Kevin and talked to him and his answer to my question why they do not look like the cylinders he has posted are. " Well it is what it is". Some answer that is

Read the post above from J-MADD. He's a very successful drag racer.


You don't even know how it runs at this point or what kind of power it makes. If it runs awesome and/or makes big HP numbers will you apologize publicly?

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Yes this motor is for my hybrid.


And I never said it won't make good power at all. I'm just asking why does it not look like the cylinder he has advertised.


Mr smart ass locogato. Put yourself in this situation. You go to a dealer and order a corvette. When the dealer calls you your car is in you go there and there's a mustang sitting there. What would you say.

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Like ALL builders, you rarely hear about the good work out there. You only hear shit when someone is pissed. That said, if a motor builder puts out 50 motors in a year and one or two isn't right, that's less than 4% that have/had an issue. Show me an industry where the satisfaction rating is 90%+.

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There was a photo posted of what he asked for, and a photo of what he got. The two are different.... Does nobody see that?


Whatever..... He paid his advertising, so till he actually doesn't send a motor to someone that paid, all is well. Thumbs up!

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I guess I'm just an oddball because I specifically told my builder to not waste any time on the stuff that dosen't matter and to spend it where it counts ....aka no "glamor shots " of the intakes. I'm more concerned on going fast than my intakes "looking " fast. I ended up with a 100hp GAS 421 cub, and a 142hp/74tq SuperCub. Idgaf what the porting looks like...is it fast?

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