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Ok so I haven't been on the HQ in a couple days but I thought I felt the need to start a new post. It has Aboslutly NOTHING to do with banshees but I thought it was pretty funny

Ok so I'm I the 10th grade and last Sylvester I had cooking class/home ec, and one day I was cooking potatoes or some shit and all the black kids crowded around the window and yelled "oh shit! It's a rat!" So I went over to the door, pushed every one out of the way, ran out there and stomped the hell out of it! (Normally I wear boots to school) but any ways I got blood all over my Vans and the teacher wouldn't let me back in the class room... I had to get the janitors to clean it up off the floor, washed my shoes and all that good stuff and needless to say I still get shit about it from my friends. It turns out it was a baby mole but what ever, lmao.

That's not badass but it is pretty funny that you think it's badass.lol

Reminds me of when I was in high school I don't know what 10th grade is but was in class an there were 2 girls in my class 1 that loved me an wanted to marry me an another girl that I liked, the one I liked was hot son.

Anyway everyone was sitting at there desks except this girl I liked, then the chick I liked comes walking in to class goes straight over to the chick who liked me an grabbed the back of her head by her hair an smashed it into the desk then the other chick jumped up an then I just remember the chick I liked just started throwing them hands bodyshots an all an just basically beat this girl up that liked me in front of the whole class it was the most badass shit i seen it was funny too cause the teacher was a old lady an she was like yelling at us boys to stop the fight an we were all doing the oooh shit!I'm pretty sure they were fighting over me lol

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