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Happy Thanksgiving!


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I know I'm early but I know a lot of people go to the family/friends for the holiday. The lucky ones go to the dunes while the rest of us wish we were there.


I'm just wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday! Play it safe people! Eat lots, drink plenty(just dont drive) and enjoy your friends & family!

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I say the same, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Im so lookin forward to gettin out of school for a few days and goin home to see all those ppl in my life. One odd thing thow, Ive been lookin forward to eatin the food for lie 2 weeks now, and i dont even like turkey! Oh well. My dream is to one day go to the dunes over the hoildays, maby it'll happen in the next decade. Happy and safe Thanksgiving to everybody(except those who do the war link stuff). Peace out. B)

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food is always good, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and damn you lucky sons a bitches that get to go duning this weekend.

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Happy Thanksgiving to all you crazy people! It is gonna be a cold thanksgiving up in northern MN since we just got 14" of snow. So Ill stay inside next to the oven while I cook, and stay warm. I get to be the lucky one and cook 2 20lbs turkeys. Not in the same day though. You all have fun and be safe.




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