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hey i bought some preesure lates and springs to change my clutch. I ve goten everything off down to the water pump impeller. icant get the side cover off so i can change the clutch. does the water upump imppeller come off before ican tak the side cover off or can i just leave it on. why wont the side cover come off?? and once i do get it off is their any easy way todo do this.. i heard that you hold the cluch with your hand then take an impact to the 5 bolts and take them off. but do you have to unhook the clutch cable before you do all this.. if anyone know where i can get a step by step proceedure for free?? let me know thanx l8er.

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You don't take the impellar out. It stays in the clutch cover. It is all one unit.

The side cover should come off, as long as you have the kickstarter off and all the bolts out. Make sure you drain all the oil, and all the coolant. Leave the clutch cable where it is, and you can pull the 5 spring bolts with a wratchet. Then, pull the clutch pressure plate off, and change your clutch. Be SURE to soak the new plates in some good oil, BEFORE you put them in the basket. Then, line up the arrows on the pressure plate and the basket as per the clymers manual, and put the springs and bolts back in and tighten to spec. Which can also be found in the bible. errrrrrrrr, clymer manual. BTW, you do have a clymer manual or equivalent, don't you???

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You really should get a clymers manual. To get the side cover off you have to remove the foot peg... I think(I have nerfs with pegs built in, take off the kick starter, take off the brake ( 2 allen bolts) if you want to make it a little easier and you have to pull the dip stick out. The dip stick will hang if you don't take it out. Make sure to drain the coolant and the oil. I don't take the impellar out when I do it. You just have to unhook the vent hose from under the frame. Then tap the cover with a mallet.

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