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Installed new basket, inner hub, pressure plate, clutch, pancake bearing, and lock out...still having the same rolling problem when clutch is pulled in reving it up and not having crisp shifts. I adjusted the screw on the pancake bearing until it i could feel it touch the ball and rod. The rolling problem gets better the tighter i adjust the clutch but then the shifting seems to get worse. Any ideas?

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Shifting has gotten better. I think all the new parts finally got settled in. Still having the roll with clutch pulled in and reving it up. Again new basket with cushions, inner hub, plates, pressure plate. Added pancake bearing and lockout. Adjusted the actuator and clutch perch as per the book shows. Pulled actuator out and it looked good as well as the rod and ball. Stumped. I used to run 75w gear saver oil but just switched and tried 10w30 motor oil as the book recommends. This made it shift better I believe but possibly made the roll worse??

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If you replaced everything and are sure it's adjusted properly there isn't much more any one can do for you. But the fact that everything is new and you are still having problems tells me something is fucky. If it ain't the parts, it's you. Not bashing, just saying that if everything is new, and you still have issues you need to take it apart and start over piece by piece with the clymer till it's right. All to often guys start a thread stating that they've done everything correct. Ten pages later, they find out it's exactley what some one said on the first. Check, double check, triple check. Always give it the most redundant over kill attitude and you'll know it's right.

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