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Last time I rode my bike it was trying to roll forward with the clutch pulled in and was slipping when shifting. Tore apart the clutch and the plates were okay according to spec. Then noticed circumferential play on my clutch basket. The service manual says to replace basket if this occurs. My basket appears to be OEM and as I grinded the rivots off and got the backing plate off the rubber cushions is where the play is at. There were 4 bigger and 4 smaller ones. Is this normal or are all the cushions supposed to be the same size?

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Was there a lot of grooving where the clutch frictions ride in the basket and on the hub? That will cause the drag you experienced.


Sounds like you already have the gears off the basket which is a good start. Buy a new Billit basket and make sure it's one with good reviews. Since you're going through it all, might as well add a fresh inner hub, and possibly a pressure plate. Last by not least, find a pancake bearing. That should have you set for a long while I you have it adjusted correct and keep fresh oil in it.

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Yes my basket and inner hub had grooves. Plan on getting new and a pressure plate and clutch for sure

Get a new clutch, cable, and pancake.

Check your actuator, shift shaft, and eccentric for wear and play.

I can't stress enough how important those parts are when it comes to a smooth shifting bike.

Whenever I work on someone's bike for clutch/shifting issues, I always have them spend the money on those parts. If the cases come apart, a modded trans.

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I also run a Hinson. All my cushions are the same size and they say hinson on them.

get rid of them yesterday. The cushions are to soft. The compress and press against the plate. The plate lifts, and blows the heads of the bolts off. Then it all goes down hill real fast.

Here's a pic of the stock Hinson plate. If I didn't throw it out I'll take pics of where the word Hinson in grooved in from the bushings.


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get rid of them yesterday. The cushions are to soft. The compress and press against the plate. The plate lifts, and blows the heads of the bolts off. Then it all goes down hill real fast.

Here's a pic of the stock Hinson plate. If I didn't throw it out I'll take pics of where the word Hinson in grooved in from the bushings.


The Hinson baskets I've been running have lasted me seasons of glamis ridding using their black cushions. But the backing plates that I have do not look like the one your showing ours are a gold color. Maybe they changed the material lately who knows but I have yet to see one of ours bow like that.

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