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I have bought a Banshee and was set on buying a 10mm Serval kit as I live in Dubai and it is a paradise for dunes. Recently after viewing a lot of videos on riding the desert here I have noticed there are lots of open spaces and long dunes and generally the rides are 3-5 hours in length. I know that fuel will be an issue but there are gas stations along the way to stop at if needed.

What I would like to know is what would be a better engine kit for high speeds and long distance (with the dune climbing and jumping) for the Banshee. A 10mm Serval or a 10mm Cheetah? To be honest I don't know the specifics as to why one engine performs differently then the other aside from the power curve is better with the Serval. Anyone have good insight and experience with these type of engines to give some sound advice?


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Which ever way you go, please don't buy the parts from ebay . Call a builder  ( I prefer Redline Racing) and have them set everything up for you along with custom domes. That way you'll have a dependable ,well running engine. I'm sure shipping isn't cheap, so do it right the 1st time. 

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