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boost bottle

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I am in no way even remotely joking when I say that the only thing a boost bottle is good for is if you plan on using it as a tire stop.  If you shove the boot ends in the dirt, they actually stay.


I've never found any dyno from any build level on any banshee anywhere that showed any increase in performance with one. I could go on about the background of them and the theories of why they (should) work, but I'll save that until someone really wants to know.

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Don't spend money on a Boost bottle. 


Best things to buy with the money required to buy a boost bottle:


Leak down tester - You need it as much as you need a 10mm socket.  Tutorials on how to make one are on here, Blasterforum, and E2S

Cascade chain slider - you'll wear your roller out or your swingarm underneath.  It may not happen soon, but it will happen. 

Adjustable timing plate - because horsepower

Rear fender support bracket - saggy fenders look like shit

Used Pro Flow adapter - and a filter when you can and install them together (better not have to explain that).  UNI for superior filtration, K&N for sand and inferior filtration

Jets - Genuine Mikuni only.  You'll need them when you start making more power  and have to re-jet

B8ES spark plugs - You'll need them when you start making more power and have to re-jet

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Do a search! LOL


The search feature here sucks.

Go on google, type in your search and add BansheeHQ at the end.

That will give you all the HQ links for any topic you're interested in.


Boost bottles?.......I don't and won't have one.


They go STRAIGHT to the dumpster along with front brake backing plates, coolant overflow bottles, factory swingarms, factory water pump, any reed that's not a V-4 and the dumbo ear front fenders.

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No, that's not me lol.  My last name is Faith.  Does this Stockton guy talk about nitrous a lot or something? EDIT: Just saw OP's name.   I'll go away now.

Edited by tfaith08
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