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10mil mike, really that bad eh? With the valves in? 100% the motor was built without the pv. I'm going to put the block off plates in and see. About to do so now.

I don't want to turn this into a pv or block off plate was, I read many threads its been done too many times.

Any more help from those who know, won't go unread, been checking this thread every ten min. Lol! I'm hurting here with this!


Yes. 100% Just put the block off plates in and see it is helps. Mine falls flat on it face with them in about 1/2 throttle. I can only tell you from experience what my 535 does.


Oh also is it normal for coolant to come out of the threads of the powervalve bolts? Had to drain my coolant just to change the valves?

I started with right side. Didn't bother losening the other side to see if the same thing happend.


Pm me when ever you want. There should not be coolant coming form your pv bolt holes. Now from your head holes that is normal.


coolant will come out of the holes most likely if they are threaded into the coolant port.  no big deal..  mega grey the threads  done.


i sent a PM about it after your question.  IF everything else checks out then...  


the pv's are most likely not opening,  if you use the wrong oil ( 927) they will gum up and stick closed.  you will have to remove them and clean them off  then clen the port and reinstall.  many times with a "my pv motor sucsk" complaint it is because they are stuck closed.  ALSO  the pv trinity style have passages in the bases of them that are very small  a LOT of times they get plugged up and that will not let them open up at all.   i have seen this a lot also.  the small jets in the bases of them can be installed way to small and will make them not open up worth a poo either.  also some pv's have been openeind up and are missing parts seals etc on the piston that opens them up.  check yours and make sure they are all there if they are used.


pv's will NOT make a motor fall on its face.  if done right  they will enable a much higher exhaust duration to be ran that a fixed motor can handle  AND be able to run much more tire/ gear than normal motor can handle.  


If taking them out and the block off's make it seem to run ok  then it is a sticking valve issue or some other issue with the valves themselves.   i have never bought a set of used valves that were not previously fucked up ever.  i have always had to work on them.  no wonder people take them out... 



also  if the motor wont rev  it wont make any heat and will not likely be able to be tuned by the plugs yet..



also i think i rember you saying you were going to use some other alky??>?   what brand are you running and what mix oil are you running.  only certain mix oils will actually mix with alky.  if at all possible just use klotz supertechniplate  it is the ONLY oil i have used that works with the pv's and mixes with alky well.  


That is crazy. I have never had coolant come out of my pv bolt holes. Learn something new every day.

Trinity shipped some of the valves with some long mounting bolts. They can end up piercing into the water jackets. I hand tightened mine till they bottomed. Then modded the bolts to fit correctly.


I'm pretty sure what happend here is the motor had block off plates all its life, with little tabs on the bolts to hold an exhaust spring one on each block off plate. The pv themselves have what's like a dowl on each bolt connection, my block off plates don't have that, and I'm thinking the pressure from the springs fucked up the inside of the threads. Cause it's fucking falling apart in thier! As in not much meat left to even tap for a bigger bolt!! I say this cause where the springs were hooked to are the bolt threads that are fucked.

Pull the motor today and see what I can do I guess

Not enough space to do anything with it in place.


But besides the powervalves,(cause when I took them out they were very clean and seemed to be working fine) I could push them up with ease and the spring took them back down.

So any other thoughts?

I tried different plugs, same results.

Also keep in mind I never ran this motor before.

The harness is all new wires, with a ground to frame and a ground to motor. I didn't ground the stator, as I was told it wasn't needed. But I'm going to ground that today also(can't hurt)

So great idle, throttle is smooth and crisp when blurping from idle. I can rev it to the moon if I wanted!

When riding it has nothing after quarter throttle.

Exp. nothing, runs like a 2 cyl on one cyl. Runs like the choke is on but not blowing smoke.

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