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I wonder how many people in this thread actually have ran methanol.


BTW satts what I was trying to convey that he needs to find someone local to him to actually give him hands on help. Not keyboard help like you said cuz you never know who really has a clue or not.

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Thanks guys, I found a source but had to buy a barrel, vp m1. They didn't stock it and would only get it for me if I bought a barrel.

For those with open minds, what was wondering about was what u find in auto stores hardware stores call 99.9% methal hydrate, I had read that it could be used, but wanted to be sure first. Maybe it can be, but quality can't be guaranteed, but anyway I got the good stuff.


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I Run Vp M1 Methanol and I purge with the vp 50:1 already mixed fuel that you can get from any hardware store, home depot, lowes or any small engine shop. Its already mixed and its high octane.

Pour it in start it up run until it barely can run. Purge complete....


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I Run Vp M1 Methanol and I purge with the vp 50:1 already mixed fuel that you can get from any hardware store, home depot, lowes or any small engine shop. Its already mixed and its high octane.

Pour it in start it up run until it barely can run. Purge complete....


Why not just purge with normal ol pump gas?
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I like purging with the same ratio of oil that I run the bike with. (20:1) ...just to keep things simple. I theorize that purging with lots of oil helps coat everything internally to prevent rust.

...maybe that's why I get dirty looks at the dunes while purging. ....


Sent from a van down by the river

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I like purging with the same ratio of oil that I run the bike with. (20:1) ...just to keep things simple. I theorize that purging with lots of oil helps coat everything internally to prevent rust.

...maybe that's why I get dirty looks at the dunes while purging. ....


Sent from a van down by the river

you get those looks too? "Why are you smoking out my trailer!?"


Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk

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