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Running awesome! Just have to nail down the jetting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You guys were right. The bottom end was terrible. After 30 mins of riding and the temps rose to 90 degrees it started bogging bad. I dropped the mains down to 440 and still bad. I pulled my jugs to make sure that the pistons were ok and they were. I had a .020 base in it and all I had on hand was a .030 base. I put that in and put 21cc domes and 420 mains and then it ran good after I got it rolling. I ran it like that the rest of the weekend. I pulled the plug and there was black and brown on the plug. Little rich but that was fine by me. The top end power was awesome. I pulled right to the top of 6th no problem. I was grabbing for 7th a few times but it wasn't there. I pulled 75mph on dirt. The last day I was running wide open on a wide dirt road and it popped bad. I shut it off and here I had run out of fuel in the on position. No good. After that I must of drove two miles at 5mph because it didn't want to come out of the low r's. It finally started coming on and I kept it above 30mph to get back to camp. Pulled a plug and there was grey on it. I was done for the weekend. It was almost over anyway.

I'm now on the look out for a pair of virgin jugs to get professionally done. I want the bottom end back. If I can afford it I'll drop a +4 crank in it too.

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In the future, if I'm going to be wrong about something......I'll be sure to let your know first.

Untill then....assume a have a large collection of clues.

Now here is the next free Tid-bit of info.....

Find some cylinders with life left on them, call Jay and plan a 4 mill build with him, drop off parts, come back and pay for fully ensembled motor, install in frame and dyno tune, TAKE ALL ADVISE GIVEN THAT DAY......Enjoy a motor with REAL power, spend time looking for new friends that can at least keep up with you and your new machine on a ride.

You're welcome.

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Want me to add up what you have spent so far on your DIY experiment?

Actually the bigger investment has been your time which is free of course......

But no. I'm into giving free advice, not free parts.

Your job would be to find a way to afford the suggestions.


Most of us don't consider swapping base gaskets as a jetting technique. Once you have a motor build that is a sound and solid configuration, you won't either. Just saying.....

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I only had a .030 left and with me in the middle of the woods. Not like I had a choice.

You know......you can inspect a cylinder by looking in the intakes and exhaust and NOT have to pull your motor down to the cases. Just saying.

Plus..... (if you use a quality base gasket) you can usually re-use them if they have been together for as short a time as your motors are.

But (and this is the important part here) you shouldn't need to pull cylinders on a motor you just built if you have a clue what you're doing.


You posted the results of your weekend.

But you CAN'T tell us WHAT WAS WRONG or WHY.

But that doesn't stop you from ripping it all apart and putting it all back together time and time again with no discovery of the hidden issue.


You ever look up the definition of insanity?

Apparently it's all your budget can afford....

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You know......you can inspect a cylinder by looking in the intakes and exhaust and NOT have to pull your motor down to the cases. Just saying.

Plus..... (if you use a quality base gasket) you can usually re-use them if they have been together for as short a time as your motors are.

But (and this is the important part here) you shouldn't need to pull cylinders on a motor you just built if you have a clue what you're doing.


You posted the results of your weekend.

But you CAN'T tell us WHAT WAS WRONG or WHY.

But that doesn't stop you from ripping it all apart and putting it all back together time and time again with no discovery of the hidden issue.


You ever look up the definition of insanity?

Apparently it's all your budget can afford....




I was going to throw my old cylinders back on. When I pulled out my piston for the old set I discovered a crack in the piston between the ports. So I decided not install that old set. Then I was stuck with trying to figure out why the new set wasn't running right.

The problem was that I took to much metal out of the cylinders. It had no bottom end. It ran great after 30mph and if I didn't hit any puddles. After I ran out of gas at wide open then it didn't want to go at all.

I'm just happy I got through the weekend.

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I was going to throw my old cylinders back on. When I pulled out my piston for the old set I discovered a crack in the piston between the ports. So I decided not install that old set. Then I was stuck with trying to figure out why the new set wasn't running right.

The problem was that I took to much metal out of the cylinders. It had no bottom end. It ran great after 30mph and if I didn't hit any puddles. After I ran out of gas at wide open then it didn't want to go at all.

I'm just happy I got through the weekend.

That goes back to preforming modifications that you don't fully understand the ins and outs of.

It usually ends up costing more money and time. That's why I always suggest either paying a REPUTABLE builder ...or FULLY educating yourself in advance. either of those options are more cost effective than the "cut/hack/grind" blindly method.

So what is your plan now?


Sent from a van down by the river

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I bet the DS 650 and Raptor 660 guys could care less about you running out front.


When you all got back to camp, they broke out the beers and you broke out the tools and spare top ends. LOL


I'm just trying to lead you to where a weekend of Banshee riding involves a small screwdriver under your seat for airscrew adjustments.

Not boxes of spare parts like you're running the Baja 1000.


But I know....you'll get there at your own pace and be happy as a clam to do it your way.

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I bet the DS 650 and Raptor 660 guys could care less about you running out front.


When you all got back to camp, they broke out the beers and you broke out the tools and spare top ends. LOL


I'm just trying to lead you to where a weekend of Banshee riding involves a small screwdriver under your seat for airscrew adjustments.

Not boxes of spare parts like you're running the Baja 1000.


But I know....you'll get there at your own pace and be happy as a clam to do it your way.


Actually the DS and three raptors broke down. 9 out of the 11 bikes broke down from either part failure or crash.

My plan now is to sell the set on there now and find a set of virgin cylinders. Have them professionally ported. If I can afford it I'll do a 4 mil long rod and custom domes. Then have it dynoed by Jay.

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LOL Who was left to tow everything back?

Are a Honda 300ex and an old Suzuki 230 shaft batting in the clean-up position?


Lassie....run back to camp and tell mom where were we are.

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An 09 YFZ450 and a 06 Raptor 660 were the only ones running by the end of the weekend. There was two clutch cable failures. Two crashes. Two chain breakages. One of them was on my blaster and it popped the case. The dust was so bad that my Kodiak carb needed to be cleaned twice. Another YFZ carrier bearings crapped out.

The mosquitoes were so bad I still have marks on my body. The cops showed up Sunday saying the neighbors were complaining about the noise. Looks like we won't be going back to that spot. Next time it will be the local motel.

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