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Wow. This shit is funny. What a fucking reatrd. All these people trying to help. And you wanna start shit with people. If you're shit is ported get rid of those t6 put t 5's on mill the head call it a day. Your to dumb to understand port timings and squish clearance , dome profile etc. Good luck on your turd.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy note 3

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< would fuck yo couch... For real, I will fuck your couch. Maybe coat it in baby batter if you talk dirty to me crouched down behind it so the couch sounds like a filthy bitch.


Soon, I have the motor out now to do the tranny mod and since its already that far down going to go ahead and put s 4mil crank in it.


If it needs to be changed I will change it, theguy who ported it suggested puting a 4mil in it with it ported this way, I'm not a banshee guru yet but as far as the longer stroke I would assume that would just give more compression and the ported cylinders are just flowingbetter, he also mentioned that he decked the head .030 instead of .040 incase I did go with a different crank, I know many of people are decked to .040 with a longer stroke but I listen to what he tells me, I don't have the port measurements on me right now but I will post them. I'm already happy with the way it runs now.

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