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Help needed removing clutch basket

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WTF? No, something is way out of whack. Your shift lever is in the down position. The shift shaft should be positioned so that the eccentric adjustment bolt is in the middle of the window in the shift shaft. Then you adjust the eccentric so that there is equal distance between the claws and the pins.

Ok, so i am lining it up center here then.  geez, no wonder i was so confused.  thanks


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The eccentric stud gets worn over time and should be replaced as well as the lock washer that locks the nut.

The spring also gets worn from the eccentric stud too.

Have a look at both pieces for wear.

I'm pretty sure the transmission should be in neutral when adjusting the eccentric stud as well.


I have some instructions i printed out from another member that said it is supposed to be in anything but neutral so i have it in 1st or 2nd.  If I put it in neutral, it gets a little better but still nowhere near lined up properly

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its pushed off the spring.  BUT if you pushed the shifter side after the cover was off that may have happende then.  you could try and realign the spring back on there.  and see if it shifts ok.  with the spring way out ike that it probably had one or two shifts? or wouldnt shift at all? the only thing that holds that shifter in place is a small nubby on the inside of the clutch cover.

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Yes, Thank you guys.  The spring on the shift shaft that sorta straddles the eccentric screw was installed incorrectly. It's perfectly adjusted now without even having to make  any adjustments to the eccentric screw.  I feel pretty confident that everything should work properly now.   I really appreciate the advice.  I am far from being a mechanic and don't really have the right tools but, after the local motorcycle shop basically stole $200 from me, I told myself that I was not going to pay someone to "fix" anything on it again.  Between you guys' advise and hitting up all my neighbors to borrow tools, I am about to get it.  Had to order the clutch basket lock washer as mine broke when i bent it flat to remove the nut.  once i get that in, I'll put it all together and give it a try

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Good job on getting it sorted out, but I am a bit skeptical that someone just put it together with the spring out of place like that. I'm thinking that the spring popped out of place for some other reason. There's supposed to be a white plastic bushing inside the spring. Is that missing? The tang on the shift shaft is supposed to have bumps on each side of the end to keep the spring from popping off. Are they both OK?

Edited by Starwriter
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The white plastic bushing is definitely there.  I don't think there are any bumps on the shift shaft to hold the spring in place tho.  I'll have to take another look at it tonight.  

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Maybe I should just order a new shift shaft while I'm at it.  As much as it is killing me to be down right now, I am determined to get everything in perfect working order this time around and not tear it down again for a while.  F.A.S.T. has them for $25 and they will modify them at no extra cost when you buy a new one from them.   Not sure exactly what the mod consists of.   Anyone have any feedback on these units.? have they worked for you?   Can't hurt to have an extra one on hand and I still need to order a few other small things anyway.  What vendor would you guys suggest working with? Doesn't seem to be anyone even remotely close to me down here in GA

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