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Coolant mysteriously disappearing

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Every time I ride, I lose coolant (approx. half of the reservoir depending on how long I ride) but I cannot find a leak.   I was told that it could be seeping into the cylinders and being burnt up along with the fuel mixture.  What is the easiest way to check this?  If this is in fact what is happening, would it mean the head is warped or is there a gasket that could be blown?  I have yet to start tearing anything apart - just looking for some words of wisdom before I dig into this issue.   ...really hoping there is a more simple explanation that is both cheap and easy to remedy!  Thanks in advance guys

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Possibly a bad headgasket and letting combustion into your cooling system...gonna have to do a leakdown test...and for future reference I always zip tie my overflow hose to the frame above head pipe that way if coolant overflows it will smoke and you will know before its too late....

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Also check your trans oil to see if it's overfull and milky looking. If it is, the waterpump seal is leaking.

And if you still have coolant bottle check to make sure that your coolant hoses arnt mixed up with your case vent hoses....

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I did a pressure test on the coolant system.  We put 20 PSI on it and it dropped about 2.5 psi rather quickly and held that pressure for 20-30 minutes until I released the pressure and removed the tester.  Is there an acceptable amount of pressure loss possibly due to air escaping etc?  We looked the machine over the entire time and could not find a leak anywhere.   The coolant overflow line is not mixed up with the vent case hose and the oil is not milky.  I would like to think I am just losing coolant from the overflow hose when jumping or riding wheelies etc.  I didn't think to pull the plugs when it was pressurized and see if there was any coolant getting into the cylinders BUT my buddy had a "block tester" that detects carbon monoxide in the coolant system, which he said would be present if I had a blown head gasket and it checked out.   It was a blue liquid that turns yellow if there is carbon monoxide.  We stuck it over the exhaust and it turned yellow immediately.  Since we couldn't find any obvious leaks, I zip tied the overflow hose so that it runs parallel with the frame instead of handing down and proceeded to ride the hell out of it and see if I lost any more fluid   ....and then wrecked it pretty good so now I have new problems.  I had already had some close calls because of my twist throttle and it finally bit me in the ass yesterday. 


On another note - Anyone have a thumb throttle assembly that they want to sell or trade for a promotion twist throttle?  Maybe I'll post this in the appropriate section later

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When using a block tester on a cooling system you are looking for CO to be present in cooling system...there is always gonna be CO coming out of the exhaust..your not using tool correctly...you need to use that tester on the radiator itself....but if you do a leakdown test that will also tell you...but sounds like cooling system is least of your worries now....

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I might have worded that incorrectly.  We tested the radiator with it.  It checked out and THEN he let the exhaust fill the tester and showed me how it turns yellow.  It was for educational purposes only. 


Is it acceptable for the cooling system to lose 2.5 lbs of pressure (approx 20.5 to 18) in the first minute or two of pressurizing the system and then hold that pressure from then on or is a 2.5 PSI drop unacceptable?  Not sure how to do a leak down test but I'm sure my buddy will know.  He is a master technician


As far as the damages, I know I need a rear hub (accidentally called it a spindle earlier) and beadlock wheel.  Hopefully the axle is Ok.  We'll find out once we mount up the new hub and wheel .  Up front, my leg busted the plastic right where the coolant temp gauge goes so I'm not sure how I am going to remedy that but it won't stop me from riding.  May just have to re-locate that gauge.  Looks like there may be room on the plastic just above the radiator

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It may have a higher pressure cap which is a good thing.


sent from yo mumma's white vinyl lounge

Yeah real good idea so it can blow the seals and gaskets that arnt meant for more pressure than recomended...stick with factory cap....

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Yeah real good idea so it can blow the seals and gaskets that arnt meant for more pressure than recomended...stick with factory cap....

Really? So why can you buy high pressure caps for banshees then? 1.3bar to be exact! Raising the pressure of the cooling system actually decreases water temp. Any that's any cooling system! 4/2 stroke petrol or diesel!


Obviously I'm not saying stupid amounts of pressure here but increase is good within recommendations/specs of engine in question



sent from yo mumma's white vinyl lounge

Edited by driftingbanshee
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I am pretty sure my cap says 1.3 or 1.6 on it. (just remember something like that, not sure of the number).  I didn't even realize it was a measurement.  


I was just losing it from the overflow reservoir.  If I rode hard for a few hours, it would lose atleast half of what was in it.  I re-routed the overflow hose so it doesn't just hang straight down from the reservoir to see if it is simply splashing out when I jump/wheelie etc.  

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