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How to put the carb together after you re jet


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So I'm new to 2 strokes and before I spend my money on mods I wanna learn how to put the carb back together after rejetting, I'm tired of paying 100 dollars each time to re adjust the carbs because I don't know how to put the carb back together please can someone run me step by step on how the carb is properly put back together

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Simple to take apart and put back together just make sure you do one at a time and be careful to put them back together the same way you took them apart and make damn sure to put the slides back in the right carb. 

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Wanna hear a funny story??? How many banshees do you think these guys at the dealer are touching these days? Not many! There are so many people getting pumped through these high pace training tech schools, but most of them are no more qualified then the average wrench head. I have 2 buddies that came from the MMI school and both have jobs at a dealer. They almost never touch two stroke shit anymore. One of them has yet to service a banshee but I bet has considered an expert at the shop.


It's not about knowing how to re assemble the carb when you're done. It's knowing how to just wrench and figure things out as you go. Just do them one at a time so that the other is a reference. And make sure to take notes and photos with your phone if needed. The jets are easy. Pull the carbs. Unscrew the 4 bowl screws. Lift the bowl off and Viola, the main jet and pilot are staring you in the face. Swap them and seal the bowl up. Repeat on other carb and re install the carbs. Make sure to put slides back in correctly and that the choke tube is fresh and hooked up.

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the slides can go in backwards, you can swap the bowls and screw them up, you can mess up idle screw torrs eliminators pretty easy ( just what i have seen)   and i agree.  the couple of shops around here that are charging 85 an hour are completely clueless on how to work on most any 2 stroke's let alone most 4 strok sport models.  if it is a high rev, shim stack setup or a smoker  forget it. i get more repairs from others mistakes than any other job.   sometimes it takes me 8-10 HOURS to fix everything wrong with them to get them to run right. 


your best bet is to get a manual and start reading it.  they will get you started in the right direction.  bUT if your not mechanically inclined please ask for help from hopefully someone locally that can do it right.   and rember  just because its not running right its USUALLY not the jetting  its something else. 

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