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Banshee's coolant is disappearing!


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when you ride it for a while get off and look at the over flow tube iy well spray your arm. as you know when you fill your radiator up to the top that is to much coolant after running it it is going to dispoerse the coolant not needed out of the over flow tube witch will wetting your a arms but the the over flow will or should be at the full mark the amount of presure you create will  the engine is hot is going to be lower than it is when you fill it completely while cold obviously. in my excperince the radiator ussually holds about half or 3/4 full with a full overflow pressure test is best option if you thnk its drainging to much i would assume blowing head gasket which willl blow anti frezze out over flow due to the pressure.easy way to take that out of equation fill, ride, let it blow out exsece clean blow out of the a arms, ride little longer check again. if they are still getting wet you are creating pressure into coolant system from more than likley head gasket. but leak down test will give you exact spot. but since you have your head off. easy way to tell your head gasket is broke or leaking look at the pistons they should have nice firing pattren on them if oneis completly clean with no firing mark. gasket is the probleom and the coolant is keeping it clean





Posted from my Obamaphone using a prepaid card purchased with food stamps



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