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Free cheap money and little work and good gains, timing plate or key +4, and have the head cut .030, they work GREAT together. key $22, puller $5 magic racing, cut the head $35, gasket $15 local machine shop.


After that port the read cages and put in good reeds no need for that expensive crap you won't even tell much of a difference between port fof a few bucks and 200+ for v-force. Porting free do it yourself do a search for free pictures or templates, reeds cheap money demending on what you like.


Then you can bore the carbs larger for a little more top end this is cheap also and all still has the stock look. Under $80


Put wetter water or engine ice in her plus 1-2 in-line coolers cooler=HP under $100 also.


For what the v-force reed cost and a few bucks you can doo all of this.


Oh Yaa put a 15 tooth front sprocket on.


Good Luck Man

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u also could lighten the flywheel...when heavilly modding your engine you dont want to put too much stress on the crank, lightening the flywheel will let your shee spool up alot faster as well as taking some stress off of the crank. also the more modding you do to the motor you may want to think about having your crank welded.

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yep i have had v-force and did flow a set of stockers i had lying around and put on boyesen 2-stage reeds i did not really notice a difference between the 2 and the stockers were a lot cheaper!! and have the crank trued up and welded the truing will center the webbs and help it spin up faster and the lightened flywheel is great but you may not like it for trails?? may take a while to get used to but all those are great low cost mods id like to know who does stock carb boring i believe they can go to 28mm or so??

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Shaving the head. $50 shipped. Lighten the flywheel, $65 shipped. Shit star mod, $28, shipped. You can port the reed cages yourself. You can also mod the stator plate yourself, or get a timing key. Some don't like them, but if properly installed, will last a lifetime. I have been runnign one for quite some time with no problem. +4

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