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clutch issues


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well I was riding around my block the other day and my fourwheeler was running perfect. I went to stop at the bottom of my hill and realized the clutch wasn't pulling at all so I had to ride back homeand just stay in second gear. upon inspection I realized the adjuster pin with the Phillips head had been stripped on the threads and the nut was loose on it. I got a new bolt and when putting it on realized the ball was stuck inside and wouldn't come out, but it will turn, only slightly in one direction back and forth but it will move so its not welded together but there are metal shavings and a slightly ground down spot on the ball from what I can see. also I can move the clutch with a full pull when pushing on the ball with the other rod but when I put plates and spring on to see what happened it only pulled a tiny bit. the adjuster arm moves fully too so im almost positive it has to do with the rod or ball. any ideas?


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Take the outer plate of the clutch and tit the bike on its right side. If the rod and ball won't come out, there is your answer. Flip it on it's left side and take a flat head screwdriver and carefully manipulate the ball and see just how bad it is stuck. Sometimes you can separate them and most of the time they won't.


Option two, the rod and ball are in good shape and you just didn't adjust the clutch correctly.

The arm needs to line up with the arrow on the care. You adjust the arm by adjusting the "pancake bearing".

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^^That is your problem.... ^^^ They should come out easily, if they don't that is an issue guaranteed!

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Just because you can move it doesn't mean it isn't welded. The end of the rod will weld itself to the ball. You won't be able to see it. The rod is smaller in diameter and will allow the ball to move but it's more than likely welded. I've seen them weld the rod to the actuator and the ball at the same time.


Buy a six pack and take the motor out. Tear it apart and you will see what we are talking about. Until then, good luck!

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I took the motor out and pulled the actuator arm and it came out fine but its got a piece ground off it looks like not sure how to post pictures. also what all has to be taken off the motor to split the cases upside down?


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