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1989 banshee no spark


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Hi everyone, new to the forum.


So I got an 89 banshee that has no spark I already swapped: ignition switch, ignition coil, and CDI with a known good running 94 banshee only thing I haven't swapped is the stator/pickup coil. I did test the source coil/pickup coil like the manual said and they both checked out ok, 19 ohm for the source and 115 ohm for the pickup coil.


I'm still leaning towards the stator being bad since its the only thing I didn't swap, I did clean all connectors on the harness and all wires look good. Brand new spark plugs too.


What do you guys think? I did just do a rebuild and removed the engine and after putting it back in I got this no spark issue. I've got the flywheel and stator already removed and it looks nasty in there with lots of rust/corrosion.



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I just went through this but mine was a Cdi. You need to check the kill switch and I have seen stators that look horrible but function properly. So if it ohms out ok it's probably fine. You need to start checking continuity in the wiring harness if the kill switch checks out ok

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No the wires aren't connected together. I assumed it remained open. This is the way I got it already without the key.


Also I just got done doing this but it looks like the previous owner did a new clutch job but forgot to put in the clutch ball bearing! When I put in the engine and connected the clutch cable I noticed there was no resistance in the lever and thought it could either be a missing ball or pancake pushrod out of adjustment.


Its possible the previous owner just removed the key switch before the rebuild. I'm going to hook everything back up tomorrow and put those wires together.



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Okay so I put the 2 wires together and guess what? Still no spark, so I started swapping things again and it ended up being the cdi.

I looked on ebay for a used one and they run between $70-$90.


My question is what do you think about the procom rev box I found it for $116 and other rev boxes for $130+. The procom has 9 different settings.


On the plus side, after swapping the cdi I got to run the banshee for the first time since I bought it and was very impressed with its mid to top end power. It has fmf sst pipes, vforce3 reeds and a boost bottle not bad for a $1000 project bike.

I checked to see what jets it had and found 260's so I swapped them out for a set of 310's I had. Took out the plugs after a couple of runs and found the plugs a light black so I'm guessing its a little rich but better rich than lean.....I'll probably end up getting some 300's and some 290's to try out.


Thanks a lot guys!!!

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