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Wang crank woes


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I really doubt Wes knew what was in there. This makes 2 cranks in as many weeks that are VERY questionable that have shown up on here that have come out of ECATV's shop. I think Id be asking LOTS of questions and looking at invoices very closely if I were going to have them build something! Its always nice to hear when things like this come up and the seller steps up the the plate and makes the buyer feel good!

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I dont think the customers created a crank problem. If you sell something that is crap and you know it or not , well that is your fault. If someone sold a billet clutch basket new for $95 and promised it was good , called it different names , then it blew apart and destroyed everyones motors over and over again we would blame the shitty sellers as well as the crap manufacturer. Anybody that sells those other than as a stock or under 70hp cranks is an ass.

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