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carb slide issues!:'(


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Hey guys first post on the site!! Bought my first banshee a month ago....rode it for 10 min then thot I'd check it out as had a bit of rev hang? Video's on YouTube under banshee rev hang...anyways I discovered two airless where the boost bottle went into the boots...ordered new boots and a stock balancer pipe...boost bottle are shit apparently!...I also found crazy jetting in the carbs an the tors a mess so i Ordered New oko 30mm from USA with my new reed boots (I'm in Ireland)


So I jus received my two new oko 30mm carbs after 2 weeks of waiting!! I put the together and I have a problem...one carb slide fully bottoms out and the other bottoms out but leaves a gap! I have taken them apart an tried them in the other carb and one slide will not fully bottom out!! It was a nightmare putting the cable into the slide and I'm scared of breaking the white plastic bit that attaches to the end of the spring! I've adjusted them loads an if u look at the pics on my other introduction thread ull see what I mean....so is this normal? Will this ruin my engine if I install them like this? The cable is brand new motion pro that came with the carb....iv adjusted the screws at the tops of one carb to try make the gap in the slides as even as possible....any help would be much appreciated!!


I'll try post some photos!!

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I hate to tell you, but that wasn't a very good choice for carbs. But, anyway, do NOT run it like that. It WILL blow the motor up. So, if you're going to run them, you need to find out what is holding up the slide. If you pull up on the cable housing and there is no slack, and the slide raises right away, then you don't have the cable seated in the slide properly. If there is slack in the cable, then try turning the idle speed screw. If that doesn't move the slide, then there's something wrong with the machining of the carb body that's holding up the slide.

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Yea iv heard mixed reports about them but they were a good deal an save the tors eliminator kit an has be be an improvement over stock....are u sayin don't run them from the picks or cos they aren't properly synchronized? There not even on the bike yet...assembling them to see how it goes an this happens!! Should the slides fully close or should there be a gap at the bottom...been reading around an people say as long as there in sync its all good? I'm gonna try my best to see if can sort it!....jus fried cos their brand new an wasn't expecting this to happen!

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 Back your idle screws out so you know they are not hitting when slides come down. There will be a gap at bottom. Set the two adjustment screws on top about the same, then mount carbs and cables. Start taking slack out of cable at throttle and maybe at carbs also. Once you feel no slack you should be able to push throttle all the way forward and release quickly. When you release listen/watch for carbs to go down and they should make a clank sound when they hit bottom. Use the screws on top of carbs for adjustments. Both slides should also lift at the same time. Once you get this, you will use idle screws on side of carb to achieve desired idle.

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