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oil coming out rear of exhaust, just fixed carb problem and need to no where to go


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So I bought a 04 banshee there was a reving problem it would just run veryhigh, what happened was the owner put a tors eliminator kit on, the air acrew was out 3.5 turns and I fixed that to 2 turns, he switched the sliders (have them fixed), idle screws were not touching(filled down and now It hits slider), cleaned out carb. So now I have all mycarbs back in and she runs first kick...great! So I was running it and noticed the oil spitting out the tailpipe on to the floor.... I don't no were to go from here... I think its my slider adjusters on the top of the carb! ???????????????????????????????????

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You gonna need to see what size them jets are! You got air screw at 3.5 turns out? I would suggest a good, very good carb cleaning. This means take carbs completely apart spraying cleaner in every hole or even better soak, then clean with compressed air. Just saying, make sure air filter is clean.

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