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tuning problem

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got a alky 48hv lectron on my bike an its stuttering when you try to launch it. does it usually for the first 2 gears then it seems to run clean. from what i read if its lean it can do similar symptoms as if its to rich. theres hardly no smoke out the pipe so im wondering if the stuttering is from to lean ?  packard told me to put the needles at 53mm but it was real zingy like it was lean. i richened em a couple turns and it still stutters. what i dont understand is when you launch the carb will be wide open so im confused if my problem is in the PJ or the needle. but ive seen some bikes that smoke like a freight train and seem to run good. mine has almost no smoke. only got the timing advanced 2* right now until i get it to run right then i can mess with the timing more.

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Get it rich till its shooting fuel out the pipe. I would like to know more details about the setup. Powerjet should be wide open. turn the needle in 2 turns. Once fuel is coming out then bump up the timming to at least 7*

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this is a bike like cr500. black mikuni pump, billet bowl, pingle valve etc. definatly no fuel flow issue. 2 PJ and one is all the way open, other one is 2 turns in from the full open position. needle is about 51mm right now. not sure what needle it is because its got a groove cut from packard and most of the letters are gone from the groove. only letter thats visible appears to be number 7. theres fuel out the pipe but im not sure if its coming out at idle or full throttle, never payed attention really but definatly raw fuel splattered on the side of the bike.  im just confused because when you launch, the carb is wide open so how do you know where the correct needle length is ? also i checked a couple plugs and its not burning any of the plating and i dont see any sign of a timing burn mark on the strap. ill get some pics of the plugs hopefully in a few hours

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