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which water impeller would work best for 421 serval?

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@Sprinklerman Why Do You Prefer A OEM 1?

Because they fit right ( cant say all aftermarket ones always do) and they last a long time.  You hear some horror stories about stockers melting,but i think that's just a maintenance issue or something else caused it (maintenance again). But even with the few horror stories , how many thousands are out there in use, and BEEN in use for 5,10,15 years without being replaced EVER.  Cant say that about the aftermarket ones. 

  IF i was to buy an aftermarket one, it'd be a Chariot though.

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The aftermarket ones do flow more water... But, the thinness of blades on the aftermarket ones leads to them corroding off, if you use shitty coolant or don't change your coolant often enough.... Aluminum corrodes EASY! With that said I run a  PD impeller, but I use genuine Honda car antifreeze in my Banshee, the 50/50 blue stuff. $25.00 per gallon at any Honda dealer. It has corrosion inhibitors in it, specially designed for all aluminum engines.

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Because they fit right ( cant say all aftermarket ones always do) and they last a long time. You hear some horror stories about stockers melting,but i think that's just a maintenance issue or something else caused it (maintenance again). But even with the few horror stories , how many thousands are out there in use, and BEEN in use for 5,10,15 years without being replaced EVER. Cant say that about the aftermarket ones.

IF i was to buy an aftermarket one, it'd be a Chariot though.

Gotta disagree. Overheating Banshees are so common it's a stereotype. Litterally every banshee motor I have torn down has had a water impeller that was warped or so worn it look like a dog chewed on it. I had a Banshee that I bought years ago and the impeller warped enough to lock up and cause the drive gear to break......motor heats up fast at that point. Next thing you know you have blown o-rings and it can go very wrong after that.

I'm sure a brand new factory impeller will work great. But once that plastic impeller gets overheated once.....I wouldn't trust it. So I will always run a Pro Design or a Mull engineering unit.

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not sure you can blame the impeller, usually that is the owner's fault for incorrect jetting. yes a plastic one will fuck up when you overheat a engine.

Exactly. Thats why i said something CAUSES the plastic to go. Its not the impeller that failed arbitrarily and caused the engine to overheat ( usually).

What usually happens is the bike overheats from running lean ( airleak, jetting, etc) or other maintenance issues, and over time the heat finally gets the best of the plastic.


On a tight , well tuned and well running engine, Ive yet to see a pump go out in a REASONABLE amount of service use. ( 4-5 years)

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to the OP :


get a Pro-Design or Chariot impellar, with a Mull Engineering gear .....

If it helps you sleep at night get one.

 I know i did a couple experiments on our 421 Serval with a stocker vs aftermarket impeller and noticed no temp decrease. That coupled with the fact that i change all our water pump parts (seal bearing,pump,washer ,clip) out about every 3 years, makes me stand by OEM.

  If you are worried about temps, id look at a higher capacity radiator,,but honestly i found more heat reduction by going with a richer needle taper than anything else.

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