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Won't start


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Ran great all weekend, then all of a sudden it wouldn't start. Changed plugs, had spark but not sure if it was weaker then the right side plug, cleaned carb, and it finally started after about 100 kicks. But was only smoking on the right side. The left side had some exhaust but wasn't as strong as the right side. Then I havent been able to start it again. Came home and did a compression test, 135 psi on both sides. Any thoughts? Thanks. Awesome site BTW.

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Thanks for posts. Yeah I swapped the plug wires already, and it still wouldn't start. I have another banshee that I think I will just swap out the carbs and then the reed cage with. Hopefully that will fix things. Just have family visiting and haven't had time to play with yet. Thanks again.

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if you have an adjustable timing palt one of the bolts could have come loose and moved your timing to something you dont want and trust me your quad will not start. also run ohm meter on your stator and pickup coil to see if they are still proper i think stator should be between 110 and 130 pickup coil between 90 and 150 cant remember check your manual it tells u

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Just started swapping parts with the running banshee. And it came down to a bad ignition coil. I thought when I checked it originally, the spark was OK. But it must have been weak, I guess. Didnt see the post that said to do leakdown before pulling reeds. Why would that matter. Just curious, cuz I swapped carbs and reed cages first thing. Also, on the leakdown are we just looking for a bad gasket or something else that is causing it to suck in air? Or am I way off. Thanks again.

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