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exhaut port height and Paul turner pipe

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Is someone ever machine the bottom of the banshee cylidner to reduce the height of the exhaust port ?


I raise the question because I run RZ 350 cylinders with fucntional PV and I always foul plugs at low RPM. At low RPM my distance from top of exhaust port to top cylidner is 32 mm, 2 mm more than the banshee stock port.


Do someone know if opening 2 mm more the exhaut port of RZ cyinders will avoid my foulling plugs issue? Maybe the Paul turner pipe require a larger blow down duration  if compare with teh stock RZ350 tune pipe?


My current jetting for a 4 mil se-up is

main = 160

pilot = 40

Needle CGL on 4th clip

air screw 2 turn out.


mods are:
K&N filter
PWK 33 carbs
Boss intake
V-force 2
Paul turner High rev pipe
4 mil crank
Cylinders ported for 4 mil crank, the Passion Racing 12 ports
Zeeltronic (custom CDI with PV setting)
I use the RZ350 stator and flywheel.

All the RZ electronic is functional.


I didn't done plug chop because I run out of sprak plug (foulling them). thanks


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If it is tuned right you should not foul plugs. When you say 4th clip on needle are you meaning clip is toward the top of needle?

4th nothch counting from the top, so toward the bottom.

in the past I ran others non PV set-up and never foulled a plug ... it should be the PV opening but would like opinions.

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 At low RPM my distance from top of exhaust port to top cylidner is 32 mm, 2 mm more than the banshee stock port.


Zeeltronic (custom CDI with PV setting)



But at low RPM, the motor is seeing the top of the powervalve as the port height, which should be considerably lower than the top of the Banshee exhaust port. I don't know specs, but that's just an assumption. Also, I'm pretty sure the Zeeltronic has adjustable settings for the powervalve positions. Of coarse, the lower the power valve is in the low position, the farther it gets away from the piston. At some point, that would be very bad.

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move the needle to the second clip see if it helps at all. I have a 535 cheetah I run a cel needle in the 2nd clip from top when I drop the clip to the 4th it will try and foul the plugs if I putt around with it

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Ok thanks guy for the recommendation. I will try the 45 pilot with the needle clip on the second notch and open a 2mm more the PV at close position. I originally reduce the pilot to avoid fouling plugs. After having spoke to Jim of Passion Racing yesterday he recommend me to open more the PV. The too close PV position could have choke the scavanging and enrich the mixture.


I will update ASAP, but I'm waiting on reworked domes: the one I got don't have sufficient squish clearance. Jim had to machine the lower of the cylinders to reduce the transfer port height to have acceptable duration with the 4 mill stroke, the cylinder were already ported for stock stroke.


This forum ROCK, it's unbeliveable the amount of good info we can find here, the 2 stroke experts are difficult to find now. I had difficulties to get answer on the RZ forum.


to answer startwriter on the PV setting:

max PV opening = distance from top of exhaust port to top cylinder is 26mm

min PV opening =  distance from bottom of the PV to top of cylinder is 32mm (this foul my plugs)


stock banshee: distance top of exhaust port to top cylidner is 30 mm, I will try this setting as the close position.

Edited by Thewhite
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I gotta admit, I did have a bit of a brain fart, as far as port heights on this, in my earlier post, but most of my post was relevant. I wouldn't be too quick to put 45 pilots in it. I run 40 pilots in my 33mm PWKs on my SS duner and it likes it. As mentioned by others, raise the needle clip position, and see what happens.

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That thing is gonna be a monster down low once you get it dialed in. If it is fouling plugs I would venture to say that you can get away with leaning up the needle quite a bit and maybe try a 155/158 main. But for some reason the 12 port really loves excessive fuel. Just a bit of a dance as to where the sweet spot is.

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Also, have you speced all the electrical to Jims reccomendations? If its not lighting right, it won't jet right.

I currently have an issue with my domes and they need to be recut for pump fuel, I got 180 psi with only .022 as squish. Dome are curerntly in shipping to Passion Racing, Jim machined the bottom of my cylinders to lower the ports: cylinders have been ported for standard stroke in the past (all by Jim). At that time I forgot to refreash Jim memory about the machined cylinders when he cutted my domes. 


So I hope to receive the domes for mid August and run the beast  with the suggested PV spec. I also need to syncronize my zeeltronic CDI with the actual 4 mil crank position, with my new child time is always missing now ... I will give update as soon I got something. This engine have been place a side for too long: home improvement took the entire last summer and this year pass too fast again.


Do you know the exhaut port duration on your Passion Ice/TT engine ?

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Yeah, I will pm you the specs later though. I have to admit if Jim was re porting your cylinders he would of known that there was previous work done by him on those cylinders and he should of speced them accordingly. As long as he gets you right though it should haul the mail.

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