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pipes question


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Ok. well i live in the country and my neigbhors are far away so noise is no big deal. The fmf powercore silencers are a little to quite for my likeing, if i was to cutt off 4 inches of the silencers and run them would there be any issues with it?

Yes. Building bikes to be loud is stupid. Build your bike to be powerful. Volume is for posers.

Loud =Loud .....not fast. Noisy pipes, wheelies and burnouts are all infatuations of the clueless.

And top speeds.......

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Yes. Building bikes to be loud is stupid. Build your bike to be powerful. Volume is for posers.

Loud =Loud .....not fast. Noisy pipes, wheelies and burnouts are all infatuations of the clueless.

And top speeds.......

Like i ALREADY said dumb ass sound is NO issue and i do not want it to be super loud just a little more then what they are now. From what i have always seen 2 strokes with short silencers pull harder and move the powerband down a little more to low to mid power. HINTS you said ''Build your bike to be powerful'' if it will give me a harder pull and more low to mid power i am doing it regardless of what the fuck you think...

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People already said it won't help with the power. But you and your buddy seem to know more then everyone.

And if your gonna do it no matter what people think, why would you ask?

Your kind of slow aren't yo

I hear half yes and half no answers from different people... i was a smart ass to the last guy for the fact that he was in his answer. i never asked you so shut the fuck up.

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I hear half yes and half no answers from different people... i was a smart ass to the last guy for the fact that he was in his answer. i never asked you so shut the fuck up.

Get outta here with your smart mouth and dumb questions. Hopefully the cutoff wheel binds up and cuts your finger off when your doing it just to teach your dumb democratic ass a lesson.

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Get outta here with your smart mouth and dumb questions. Hopefully the cutoff wheel binds up and cuts your finger off when your doing it just to teach your dumb democratic ass a lesson.

''democratic ass'' Fuck our peace of shit government, OH so its ok for everyone else to talk shit me but not me to them?? FUCK YOU to cock sucker! go play chicken with a semi, your worthelss alive...

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''democratic ass'' Fuck our peace of shit government, OH so its ok for everyone else to talk shit me but not me to them?? FUCK YOU to cock sucker! go play chicken with a semi, your worthelss alive...

Nice try dumb ass. Takes far more than you little rant to get me stirred up. In fact, your material is pretty weak, much like your brain.

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ok this is getting ugly


look dude, if shortening your silencers improved power someone would straight up tell you, if you want a loud bike run without silencers at all, you wont be going faster, possibly slower but you`ll have that retard loud sound you desire.


you came to BHQ for help and advice right? concentrate on motor set up...ask questions....absorb the answers, if you want to debate fuckarse theories your country bumpkin know nothing nobody friend has on pipe design good luck to you.


your gunna get hammered and ulimately get very little help from the know it all assholes on here.



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''democratic ass'' Fuck our peace of shit government, OH so its ok for everyone else to talk shit me but not me to them?? FUCK YOU to cock sucker! go play chicken with a semi, your worthelss alive...



Sent from my Galaxy Note 3 using Tapatalk



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So be it, im not one who is going to take shit from smart ass people.

Don't forget YOU'RE the one who hijacked someone else's thread..YOU'RE the one who asked for advise then proceeded to argue with people who had accurate info..and now YOU'RE the one acting prissy and getting butthurt when people don't want to fool with you anymore??

See a pattern?

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