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alki on stock cylinders drag ported

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I have a few questions. Thinking of building an alki motor. Can i do so on stock cylinders. Is it worth it or just run race fuel.what reeds would I need. This would be my first alki.build. have no clue where to go with it.


List of what I have. 4 mil stock cylindrs drag ported by k&t perf. Pro design cool head 22cc domes custom cut for no spacer. Cases port matched. Ricky stator with timing plate. 34mm mikuni fla t slide carbs

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X10 on the OEM stator. You will definitely love alky. Especially since you have a set of stock cyls that are ported by just about the best when it comes to drag racing. Have Kim do your carbs, and it might be worth a conversation with Kim about your domes. If it were me, I'd get a set for alky. It'll only be a few more ponies, but it will show once you are in a situation where you are hot lapping.

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Is this bike set up for Drag racing exclusively? I also run stock cylinders on Alky and will never o back.

The purge process is kind of of pain , but it's well worth it. have you considered Lectron carbs?


Keep us posted as you progress.



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^ What Jason said.

I also run 36/38s

Works well for me. My bike dynoed right at 71hp with mild port work & + 4 timing.

I have a new set up coming back this week from a site sponsor.

We're hoping to get somewhere in the 90s with stock cylinders.



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