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HJR dune port 19cc dome compression?

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I will try to address everything. Here goes. Last time I seen kevin I was nice. Im a nice guy. This is before I heard through the grapevine he was telling lies about me and talking behind MY back, and after he was all nice to me. So whos two face?

Im not a super builder but im good enough for you to be asking me about dome configurations and setup on your 535.

I never call him and ask him questions.NEVER. Thats more lies kevin is telling you. You have never been there when I have. You got me confused with someone else.

And yes he dosent know much about domes. hes burnt down plenty of motors trying to trial and error it. Now he just plays it safe and gives out stuff he knows wont blow up. You probably kbow more then he does.

Why you all swingin on his nuts anyway. If kevin is sooo good why did you go to shearer to build your motor?

And Kevin has NEVER sent me domes. I have never asked for his domes. Stop makin up shit! I would run a trinity cheetah dome setup before kevins.


I dont know where you got your info of lies but if thats how you wanna do it and act like you know whats gone on. And try and get in the middle of it. And then call ME out on it like you know. Thats fine with me. Now I know where we stand. I dont know you and I was tryin to be cool with you. But you chose the wrong direction.

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First of, I Built  my motor, Mat ported it and rebuilt my crank. And ported my cases. So Mat did not build my motor, I have known Kev for years, and he does not lie,he a good guy, Yes i did talk to u about my squish all i did was ask u how to check it, I did  not ask for dome configuration or set up my ass. That's why I have builders. They do the Math and set up,Never said i have been there when u have, So there must be 2 Possum's in Socal, because yes i was there when "Possum" called asking about domes.. Must not have been you. I choose the wrong Direction, LOL u going beat me up like u want to beat up Matt Quick.... Come on Grow up and act like a Man. Seems like U Piss off alot of people, U do not know me to tell me I took the wrong Direction. I will take my stock frame bike on gas  and runs yours anyday. 

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Again I NEVER "called" kevin about domes for me. And he never gave me domes ever! Ive never had a hjr dome.


There must be 2 possums calling kevin. Haha nice backpeddle. keep lying


So whos domes you got? Mat did everything else. Why not domes?


Me grow up and be a man? You came out of nowhere yappin your mouth. So thats a man? And why you wanna run bikes? You sound pissed off at the wrong Possum. lol

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I just do not like the way u bash Kev in a open Form, He is a good guy,Noone is perfect, but i can tell u he did not say one bad thing about u to me, so who ever the grapevine was u need to question. And U should have called him asking him about it, not start bashing him in an open form. 

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I just do not like the way u bash Kev in a open Form, He is a good guy,Noone is perfect, but i can tell u he did not say one bad thing about u to me, so who ever the grapevine was u need to question. And U should have called him asking him about it, not start bashing him in an open form. 

But all the cool kids do it...

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I just do not like the way u bash Kev in a open Form, He is a good guy,Noone is perfect, but i can tell u he did not say one bad thing about u to me, so who ever the grapevine was u need to question. And U should have called him asking him about it, not start bashing him in an open form.

Why didnt you say this from the beginning? Your absolutely right tho. No reason for me to bash him. Yea he might have done some things I didnt like. And yea I dont think he knows much about domes. But who cares, no reason for me to bash the guy. Ill quit with the kevin bashing, my personality is not that way anyhow.

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