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i'm going riding with my buddies at 3:00pm today saturday and i really need to clean my carbs because i took off the lid and saw that there was a little dirt in there and it's been acting funny lately i was wondering if someone could give a step by step direction on how to take off the carbs beacuse i still have the tors and never messed with before so basically how un-install and then re-install thanks any info would be great thanks.

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The quickest way is to loosen the carb tops and remove the slides from the carbs, place the slides/needles out of the way, next loosen the clamps that are around the rubber boots on both carbs that go from the intakes (Motor) to the air box and then just turn the carbs in the boots towards you so you can remove the float bowl. Take off the float bowl and spray the crap out of the carbs with a good carb spray from the auto parts store, spray your needle and the whole carb in general. Get it as clean as you can and then just put it back together. Make absolute sure you put the right slide in the the right carb and the left slide in the left carb or your bike wont run. Shouldnt take more than 30-45 minutes. 8)

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