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I can't get this freaking thing to run right. Originally the right side would misfire and chug as if it was not firing. I have new carbs and it still chugs as if it not firing on the right side. I know it is because I can see it when I test the plug wire.

The left cyclinder is good and the right just fucking hates me.


421 cub stock cast

20cc domes on vp110 @ 32:1

V4 reeds

Pwk 35 55 pilot 160 main 1.5 out on air screw


Here are the things I've done to solve this with no resolve.

Shook flywheel and no rattles

Set pickup coil to .019

Tested pickup coil and it ohms out as good

Set gap from .030 to .020 on the plugs

Checked stator and it ohms out as being good

Primary side of coil reads .6 on the meter

Secondary side of coil reads 5,800

I've swapped the plugs and no change

I've swapped the plug wires and no change

I've changed the cdi out and no change

I've swapped the domes from side to side and no change

I've swapped the carbs from side to side and no change

I've swapped the slides from side to side and no change

I've pulled the plug boots and wrapped the bare wires around the plugs and no change

Compression was 172-176


Ummmm what the fuck is the problem?

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Reeds are brand new. Left plug is wet right is not. I swap the carbs and still no change. I'm lost right now and I have gone thru this thing with no luck. I just don't get it. I know it has spark in both because when I pull the plug wite the right side, it will bog down. When I plug it back in, it will pick up a little.

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I just swapped them from side to side. Both head pipes are heating up an it seems to be running now. Didn't do anything but swap them. I feels as if I'm fat on the pilot now. I turned the air screws in to .5 and it bogs down. Turned it to 2.5 out and the idle cleaned up a lot. Gonna bump it down 1 jet size and see what it does. I wonder if this is intermittent and will become more of an issue later.

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