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Banshee Noob questions


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What's up Banshee nation. I picked up my first 2 stroke (banshee) this past weekend. Rode it for about 30 minutes yesterday without any problems. Starts on first kick and it was about 40 degrees outside . I do live about 160ft lower in elevation and I did not mess with the carbs. I was curious if you think I should check the jetting? If so how? Like I said its my first 2 stroke so I'm a noob at em. Also the lights won't work due to the stator. How much am I looking at for another stator and where to find. Any other info would be great. I've rode a 660 raptor and 450r but damn they don't even come close to this shee!

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Welcome to BHQ. First thing you should do is a leakdown test. While the carbs are off, clean them and see what size jets are in them. Next, check every single nut and bolt on the bike to make sure they're tight. There's lots more things to check to be sure it's safe to ride, but that will get you started.

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X2 on reading your plugs first. I always look for a nice tan/brown on the plug. If you're black or fuel loaded you're rich... If your plug looks as new as when you put them in you're on the lean side. You can always play with jetting, clip p air fuel mixture screws ( if you're not good at dialing carbs in I wouldn't recommend fiddling to much with this), and gas mixture.  If after all this you're still reading lean on the plugs you may want to do a leak down test. However if your plugs read fine then leave it be dude.

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