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2 sets of Padla Brats,with wheels

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 I have two sets of COMP CUT Padla Brats, 9paddle , on douglas wheels. 1 set of wheels are drag cut,other is standard. Very sought after tires and VERY,,i mean VERY light.  VERY durable too.  Call Fullerton Sand tires and check prices and see what they cost new.  :o           a steal at     250.00 plus ship per set



the NON-drag cut wheel set are the ones i let Dozer borrow at the BHQ L.S. ride for a few passes (thankfully he took them off BEFORE he wrecked  :jesterlaugh: ) . Maybe he will chime in on his thoughts about how they hooked compared to 10 paddle extremes.



Edit: i noticed one set of wheels are rock brand ,not douglas.











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i used the padla brats on a 421 serval with a +6 swinger and they worked excellent. its un real how light they are.  they have great grip out of the hole and didnt seem to slow the bike down on the top end near as much as the 10 paddles i tried. i tried 10 extremes plus 8 and 9 haulers. my combo liked the padla brats the best at ls oklahoma. tire selection makes a big difference in sand, i would recommend these to anyone with a serval or dune port.

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are all of you insane?  Sell whatever tires you THINK you have now and buy these.  Feel free to send me PM when u walk on your buddy that USED to beat you.

Dude, i know. It blows my mind that these didn't go in the 1st day or 2. Must be bad out there money-wise. Nothings moving like it should. I wish some of these guys would call Fullerton Sand Sports and see what new ones cost.

I posted a thread in the General Off-topic section. If anyone wants to sell them for me on YFZ Central,or other forum,i'll cut them a commission.

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