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10 mill super servsl build


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So me tricked and RagunCajun are the only ones with SS's?


Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

No, they are starting to pop up here and there. Mine isn't even assembled yet. I just have crank, cylinder, cases, and a box with a bunch of OEM goodies. Need all the machine work done.
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Thought you had a cub


Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

 Yeah, pretty much...but the original plan was to a SS.  I don't remember the exact reason, but cam was saying something about the exhaust flanges, and that a lady at CP ruined a couple cyls, trying to get them right, blah, blah. And couldn't get them. So, he ordered me in a super cub, and after measuring it out decided that it would have been pretty close to where he would of ported a serval to anyways.  So, yes its a cub, lol.

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