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WTF! Are stock parts really this shitty?

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Alright well last weekend was the first ride with all my new parts installed. Quad ran great and handled great. Until i realized my chain had been rubbing up against my skidplate. Causing a groove in the skidplate from the chain.


I removed the skidplate and continued to ride. After inspecting things i realized my chain roller, the one that covers the swingarm. #10 in the first pic. Had completley worn away to the point where its paper thin.


So i ordered another one (stock). Only reason being i difnt wanna wait for a aftermarket one to come in. After 10 mins of riding the roller is paper thin again!!!!!


Is this just stock garbage parts?


Or is my chain fucked from rubbing against the skid plate? And somehow cutting threw this roller?


The chain feels fine, smooth and everythig.


Where can i get a aftermarket one? Amd what is causing this!!!!!????


Thanks for your input in advance!






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Ya j dont think the chain slack is the problem. Zilla freak what kind of slider is that?


And how exactly would the mod quad one get mounted?


Which one of these two should i order? The second one looks similar to a dirtbike style slider.


I wanna be able to ride for more than 10 mins:(




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Thanks zilla freak. Ya i think i may go with the TM designworks. I would hate to have to replace the chain, its a brand new o ring chain!!! But if its causing it to eat through the rollers then i have no choice. It feels smooth, if it was cuttin through u think it would slice my finger?

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Well hopefully this solves the problem. I ordered the TM designworks chain slider kit, the onr that zillafreak posted. I also ordered a TM case saver as well. I really hope this solves the problem. Ill be pissed if this happens again. It comes with a 1 yr warranty as well. My chain feels smooth so i dont think its necessary to replace it.


Does having a -1.5 swingarm put extra stress on the rollers?


And is

1.5" of freeplay in the middle if the chain the right amount? Thats with me sitting on it.


Thanks guys

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