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Rear tailight wiring/assembly?

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Hi guys,

my banshee is an older model and doesnt have the rear brake light that illuminates when you press the brake levers.

My questions are, on the newer banshees, is it just the rear foot lever that illuminates the rear light OR does the front tap into the light as well?


Also, is this a better alternative than the messy contraption that yamaha installed near the rear brake pedal?



Thanks a lot!!

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On the newer Shees, there is also a push button switch built into the front master cylinder to turn on the brake light. It's a different master cylinder with a switch location cast into it. For a retrofit, I would definitely use that brake pressure banjo bolt that you posted the link to. Nice and clean. You only need it for the rear master cylinder. If you really want it in the front too, you could put one on the front master and run wires down the bars. I personally like as little stuff on the bars as possible. You also need a tail light with a dual filament bulb. The newer Banshee tail light is big and clunky. There must be something smaller and nicer. And if you put a truck oval sealed beam tail light on it, I'm gonna kick your ass.

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