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A Arms...Is It Possible


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Hey guys, sorta new here so if any of you can help me out any information offered would be highly appreciated.


Are +4 a arms possible and if so what mods are necessary? If not or if not recommended why?


Thanks in advance


Quick question. Why are looking to go that wide?

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Ok that makes since. As I mentioned earlier I am a heavy rider and was looking into different ways to make my bike more suitable to my weight and have an aggressive mc look. Right now I have works up front and stock on rear. I had been reading where some riders put R1 or 450 shocks on back. The 450 rear shock will bring up the back bout 3 inches which would be fine with me. But I wouldn't mind getting a wider stance up front

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+4 arms are only used for narrow frames after market frames not a banshee frame. After +3 the bike wont steer worth a dam and ride like dog shit. +3 are even over kill if you run +3 w out 4/1 off set wheel they suck. I tested my new fireball lt set up this weekend w old 3/2 off set wheels from prior +2+1 a arms n bike rode and felt worst. Proper wheel off set and widths is a key to ride. After 50" you are to wide to race anywhere and even recreational riding will suck after 50" wide so do your self a favor n just buy +2+1 unless you plan on dropping another 150$ on correct offset front rims for +3. As far as +4 you might as well stay home and ride the stick horse instead.

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Nasty is 100% right. I would NEVER run anything but my 4/1 wheels out front EVER!


Flipping wheels around and spacers are just plain stupid out front for a number of reasons but we wont get into that here.


It seems some people get the "wider is always better" mentality no matter how they get that width and it's just plain stupid. "Do you want to be stupid and everyone point and laugh at you? No you dont!"


Doing it properly the first time makes a WORLD of difference in handling and bump steer and so on. Ive messed with a bunch of setups on quads and sleds and wish i would have done it right from the get go.


Drag and Hill bikes are an exception though as you obviously are not turning much at all........


It's funny the kids that have 5 foot wide bikes with the ball joints 2 feet from the wheels. Then they wonder why there shit handle like poo poo and are worn out in ten.


Oh well live and learn. All was fun right?.....


My trail ripping mountain goat. http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c164/savage_420/IMAG0059.jpg


But to answer the OP's question, yes burgard makes a +4+1 arm. Don't do it though. :lol:



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Ok. I agree with some of your comments and I can understand you logic. In most cases I think wider is better. My bike is stock up front not much of as problem but a ground had+ 2 up front and it rides a little better. I don't see + 4 being a big problem reversing rims is something else.


How about detailing the proper way so no one will laugh

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Burgard also sell products that takes a month to get and they send you the wrong part and dont answer there phone after that worst customer service in the business and there parts are garbage. There 150$ steering stem xmas deal was a decent stem but the clowns rhino lined them to be cheap and it was too thick where steering stem bushing was n bars wouldnt turn. So like everyone else chimed in you want a cadi riding machine, or wanna look like an ass clown getting passed on the track n trails all day cause your bike doesnt turn.

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Hey guys I really appreciate the info...Just did a search not too long ago. Along with the information you guys provided and reading the article it really made a lot of since.


Savage..you were right on point.....about wider isn't always better.

Edited by twistingixxers
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