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Steering stem

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I'm reassembling my bike and just put a new steering stem bearing in. When I installed the stem there was about a 1/4" gap between the upper mount and the frame. When the upper mount is hand tight the stem moves flawlessly but when I tighten the mount it is a noticably restricted. My question is, is this ok or is something seriously bent (I.e. the stem)?

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I'm guessing that your frame has the classic banshee cartwheel damage of a bent stem mount. (Hoop that comes up from the frame to mount radiator and stem.) It's kinda common to see those bent back into the tank a little if the bike went for a loop. Otherwise, lay the stem on a flat table or bench and roll it to see if it has a crown to it.

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As mentioned above, typical for the hoop to get bent back. Have you tried to take the tank out? It gets real hard to get the tank out when this happens. The proper way to fix it is to put a porta power in between the hoop and the rear shock upper mount. It's also common for the triangle gusset that the front exhaust mounts bolts to, to crack at the weld to the hoop. Get ahold of one of your auto body shop buddies to help you out with a porta power. I'm sure there's probably a redneck way to do it. Bottle jack and wood blocks. Chain it to a tree and use a come-a-long to pull it forward to another tree. Just don't bend it too far.

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It's a bare frame right now. Ya I've been trying to think of ways to bend that bitch back. Lots of heat to start, but idk how to get a good hold of it to yank or push on it.


Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! Don't heat it. Just get ahold of one of your auto body shop buddies. Trust me it's a 5 minute job with a porta power.

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We used the metal pole that is infront of the water heater in most new houses, and the front of a truck. Put a strap to the pole from the rear shock mount and a come-a-long from the hoop to the truck. It worked out just right :shrugani: It does make you a little nervous!! Then we just used the gaps on tank shroud and rad cover to make sure it all fit like it should.

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Long 2X4.

Stand on frame at point where your seat sits.

Stick 2X4 through the hoop and down towards the bottom front of the frame and use it as a lever. Might not even need any heat if it's only off by a little.

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  • 9 months later...

Hello guys


I got the same problem. But the only difference is that i powder coat the frame already and when i start to put the bike together i noticed that. There is a method to do that without damage the paint in any way????


This is my first post. Im from puerto rico, my english is not perfect but i try. Your forum is the best resource for banshee owners and lovers!!! Congratulations!!

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