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Need some help with transmission.

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Hey guys, new to banshees here have a question for you...I pulled my clutch basket out recently because it is worn and has to be replaced and noticed that the main shaft has the slightest amount of play and was wondering if i need to split the cases and replace the bearing. Is any play at all normal? It isn't very much play but I dont want it to cause problems later. Any help would be appreciated. Here is a pic.

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There should not be any play on the main axle. I would make sure all of the bolts that hold the top and bottom together are there. If not, replace them, if so, split the cases and check for worn out parts.


Ok, yeah that's what I was thinking. Thanks for the help. This thing has already almost cost me my girlfriend and put a nice big dent in my savings account, haha oh well no turning back now.

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Uh, which way are you talking about on the play? Up and down or in and out. In and out is normal for the shaft to move inside the bearing. When you tighten down the clutch hub nut, it seats the shoulder of the shaft against the bearing and stops the in and out movement. If it's up and down movement, that sounds bad.

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if there is up-dn play, you will want an e-manual, or clymers, and yamabond, or EQUIVALENT. pull out on the shaft before checking that play, though.... and the bearing is held in by circlips, as with the other trans bearings. the only way to replace them is to split the cases...

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he already set us up for the long-term plan of socialism conformity..... i called it early on..... screw things up enough to get us in a hard enough spot that it is the only sensible resolution....... what else do you think the real reasoning behind stimulous/rebate/credit spending on us was?...... he wanted to give us so much "IOU" to need to figure out how to survive with later. whatahueno later? communion health-care sounds mighty reasonable, lol...it only progresses........ if this was the cold war, he would not even be a free man, simply "detained for questioning" until further notice.

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Ok, yeah that's what I was thinking. Thanks for the help. This thing has already almost cost me my girlfriend and put a nice big dent in my savings account, haha oh well no turning back now.


ditch the bitch, lets go racin' :cheers:

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